Love is love. 愛應無分界限、膚色、性別;找到自己所愛,那就足夠。
No matter what age, no matter what gender, love is love. We all born this way.
〈可定製部份 Customisable〉
-名Name (默認為Default as: “Name’s World Map”)
-句子(可加)於Name’s World Map下,或掛布左下角
Sentence optional to place under name or left corner
100cm x 100cm
100cm x 150cm
150cm x 200cm
Other custom size can contact us.

-短絨毛,印圖清晰,色彩鮮明 Short fluff, clear prints and bright colors
-可機洗 Machine washable,
-附設掛牆釘兩個 come with hooks
-多種顏色供選擇 Different colour for choosing.

〈製作日期 Production Date〉
Illustration & design needs 2-3 working days for each process.
We will send you the preview for your confirmation.
Once the design was confirmed by customer, no more change can be amend after that.
-After the confirmation, 10-13working days for production.
-全球寄運由順豐速運寄出 Worldwide shipping by using SF-express
-由香港寄出 Send from Hong Kong
-運費或任何稅款由購買者負責 Receiver pay for the delivery cost or any tax