壽桃包照片客製不規則抱枕 - HKGIFTFORU
壽桃包照片客製不規則抱枕 - HKGIFTFORU
壽桃包照片客製不規則抱枕 - HKGIFTFORU
壽桃包照片客製不規則抱枕 - HKGIFTFORU
壽桃包照片客製不規則抱枕 - HKGIFTFORU



We'll send you the preview via Email. Provide 2 times adjustment

Enjoy free delivery when order on or above $500HKD in HK / Macau or $800HKD in Taiwan

請於右上角購物車頁面填寫及上傳客製內容及照片。Please provide your customise details on Shopping Cart page

Design & drawing ard 1-3 working days; Production ard 7-10 working days.

福如東海 壽比南山!
壽桃抱枕無論是送給朋友、送給長輩、家人、上司,傳統設計但又有紀念性質的不規則抱枕,最適合就是送上蛋糕後,把抱枕拿出來一起拍照歡呼,把氣氛推到高點! 生日快樂!

-雙面印刷 : 一面為文字 一面為照片

📩印刷用照片,請無壓縮以原圖電郵給我們 (cs @ hkgiftforu. com 無空格) ,電郵標題以“用戶名稱_Pinkoi“命名,並備註句子(例:婆婆生日快樂)

*排版:我們根據你的定製內容進行排版, 並於1-3個工作天內再發放預覽圖確認。

Production Time

-設計及插畫分別需時二至三個工作天,預覽圖會以電郵/社交平台inbox發送予你確認,敬請留意郵件會否趺到Junk Mail. 我們提供兩次小修改,請具體向我們建議修改。

Illustration & design needs 2-3 working days for each process.

We will send you the preview via email / social media inbox for your confirmation. We provide 2 times minor amendment.


Once the design was confirmed by customer, no more change can be amend after that.


-After the confirmation, 10-13working days for production. If you have specific date / early date to receive the gift, please contact us.


Worldwide shipping by using SF-express

Send from Hong Kong

Taiwan customer please download EZ Way for Customs clearance

Receiver pay for the delivery cost or any tax

Shipping cost will be calculated on Payment page, if it didn't show, which will send by "Pay by Receiver via SF"

墨綠金葉插畫定制毛毯-Luxury Green with gold leaves illustration Custom Blanket - HKGIFTFORU
墨綠金葉插畫定制毛毯-Luxury Green with gold leaves illustration Custom Blanket - HKGIFTFORU
墨綠金葉插畫定制毛毯-Luxury Green with gold leaves illustration Custom Blanket - HKGIFTFORU
墨綠金葉插畫定制毛毯-Luxury Green with gold leaves illustration Custom Blanket - HKGIFTFORU
墨綠金葉插畫定制毛毯-Luxury Green with gold leaves illustration Custom Blanket - HKGIFTFORU
墨綠金葉插畫定制毛毯-Luxury Green with gold leaves illustration Custom Blanket - HKGIFTFORU

墨綠金葉插畫定制毛毯-Luxury Green with gold leaves illustration Custom Blanket

Pink Flower款式客製化毛毯 Pink Flower Frame- Custom Blanket with tailor-made illustration. - HKGIFTFORU
Pink Flower款式客製化毛毯 Pink Flower Frame- Custom Blanket with tailor-made illustration. - HKGIFTFORU
Pink Flower款式客製化毛毯 Pink Flower Frame- Custom Blanket with tailor-made illustration. - HKGIFTFORU
Pink Flower款式客製化毛毯 Pink Flower Frame- Custom Blanket with tailor-made illustration. - HKGIFTFORU

Pink Flower款式客製化毛毯 Pink Flower Frame- Custom Blanket with tailor-made illustration.

淺杏啡雪花圈客製化插畫毛毯 Light brown with snow flower frame- Custom Blanket with tailor-made illustration - HKGIFTFORU
淺杏啡雪花圈客製化插畫毛毯 Light brown with snow flower frame- Custom Blanket with tailor-made illustration - HKGIFTFORU
淺杏啡雪花圈客製化插畫毛毯 Light brown with snow flower frame- Custom Blanket with tailor-made illustration - HKGIFTFORU
淺杏啡雪花圈客製化插畫毛毯 Light brown with snow flower frame- Custom Blanket with tailor-made illustration - HKGIFTFORU

淺杏啡雪花圈客製化插畫毛毯 Light brown with snow flower frame- Custom Blanket with tailor-made illustration

Sweet Home心型背面款式插畫毛毯Sweet Home- Custom Blanket with tailor-made illustration. - HKGIFTFORU
Sweet Home心型背面款式插畫毛毯Sweet Home- Custom Blanket with tailor-made illustration. - HKGIFTFORU
Sweet Home心型背面款式插畫毛毯Sweet Home- Custom Blanket with tailor-made illustration. - HKGIFTFORU
Sweet Home心型背面款式插畫毛毯Sweet Home- Custom Blanket with tailor-made illustration. - HKGIFTFORU

Sweet Home插畫毛毯Sweet Home- Custom Blanket with tailor-made illustration.
