

These Hong Kong-themed souvenir and farewell gift are the best ways to say goodbye and express your gratitude to someone who plan to leave Hong Kong or great mementos for visitors then look no further. We are Hong Kong based, we support and obsessed with the Hong Kong culture and iconic elements. Even if, like us, you’re very firmly staying put in Hong Kong, you’ll want to get your hands on some of these lovely Hong Kong themed gifts.

【移民禮物精選】送別相識多年的親朋好友,想送一份能夠定製,讓對方憶起Home Kong的禮物,要實用輕便、容易攜帶,帶香港特色之餘,不會為行李帶來負擔的移民禮物 ;

打造個人化世界地圖掛布!創作個人、卻獨一無二的旅行紀念客製化禮品。與朋友/另一半旅行後還意猶未盡?環遊世界是你的人生清單之一?那怎麼可以缺少屬於自己的客製化世界地圖呢 ~ 把回憶打造禮物,為你的旅行留下紀錄!!!